From Multi-Vendor Project Coordination to Seamless and Worry-Free.

We See Solutions.

“Our job is to be a solutions architect
and partner”

Imagine coordinating 10+ event providers while hosting the 3-day Latino Tax Fest conference – for nearly a decade. Enter David and team in 2022. Now, imagine having a single partner who can do it all and grow attendance by 44%.

David Eck

Customer Engagement Director
The Challenge

The Latino Tax Pro customer recognized the multi-provider approach was not working for them or providing a quality experience for attendees. There was a real need to holistically understand the event experience and identify the right overall solutions.

While the Encore team was elevating the production experience at the 2022 conference, David shadowed 12 different customer teams to create a thorough event analysis with recommendations.

The Solution

Encore provided a full-service proposal to Latino Tax Pro for their 2023 event that completely satisfied their unique needs – relieving multi-partner management stress and boosting attendance and satisfaction in a big way.

Everything was reimagined from marketing campaigns, digital solutions and bilingual services to the multifunctional general session space, continuing education breakouts, expo hall and the annual pool party takeover.


The Result

The marketing campaign boosted attendance a whopping 44% – from 1,800 to 2,600! The attendees complimented the smoother, more inclusive experience. And Teena Lopez, Director of Development at Latino Tax Pro was so happy, she came up to David, gave him a hug and exclaimed, “This is the first time in 10 years I was actually able to network and enjoy the event!”

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