From Critical Board Meeting to Standout Hybrid Event Success. 

We See Solutions.

“When you know more,
  you can do more"

When the North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association (NCJUA) needed an event production partner for their critical board meeting, they turned to Encore to deliver a seamless two-day hybrid event that would connect and engage their important participants. Enter the tech-savvy Joanna and her team! 

Joanna Brady Matthews

Technical Supervisor, Hotel & Brand
The Challenge

When NCJUA’s remote audience increased from two to ten, and the in-person board member needs adjusted around the “U”-shape setup, Joanna and her team knew adapting their technical support would be crucial to deliver a seamless production experience. 

A seasoned technician, Joanna understood the customer’s needs, from the distance of the in-room split screens and different views, including a robotic camera that caused switching complexities and readability issues, to elevated internet requirements and the right in-person table-top microphones to handle private side-bar conversations during live presentations.

The Solution

Passionate about solving challenges, Joanna anticipated needs the customer hadn’t originally expressed! She and her team recommended customed solutions to set NCJUA’s event up for success:  

  • In room, they included everything from a 55-inch confidence monitor and versatile push-to-talk microphones for the adjusted head count to hard-wired internet for secured speed and stability 
  • For the dual-audiences and seamless board meeting, Joanna partnered with NCJUA’s IT Coordinator to build confidence and trust as she stepped in to cue up and advance content for a dynamic, switching production experience.
Key Solutions Used in This Story
Production / Show
Technology / Audiovisual

Infrastructure Services
Staging Services
Show Management
Audio Solutions
Presenter Support


The Result

Thanks to Joanna and her team’s forward-thinking mindset, expertise and personalized solutions, NCJUA’s board meeting elevated from standard to standout! When the event had wrapped, the customer stated, “Everything went even better than we could’ve expected!” 

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From routine challenges to the moment of truth that threatens to derail your event, our people solve them flawlessly. Explore their stories.

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From Lusterless View to Dazzling Jewelry Showcase Event.

We See Solutions.

“When better is possible
good is not enough”


Eager to attract new distributors, jewelry designer Sara Blaine was planning a special event at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter to showcase her jewelry collection, eSBe. The event would be crucial for her small business, so she needed each of her current and new custom designs to dazzle. Enter Jazz and team ready to deliver down to every last illuminating detail.

Jazz Thomas

Director, Event Technology
  • Enjoys learning about new event technology and tools
The Challenge
With her jewelry showcase event just one week away, Sara visited the venue for a pre-event walk-through. She mentioned that she wished the ballroom where her custom designs would be displayed featured daylight lighting, which she felt would really make all of her jewelry pieces shine. As a natural troubleshooter, Jazz sprang into action to execute on her vision.
The Solution
With over a thousand events under his belt, Jazz was able to use his lighting expertise and personal research to determine which new LED daylight fixtures would provide the right wattage, brightness and light beam pattern to source them. He then worked with Le Meridien to replace 25 key ballroom lights above the showcase tables with the new bulbs to ensure both Sara and her jewelry would be radiant at the event.
Key Solutions Used in This Story
Show ManagementAudiovisual Solutions
     Lighting Solutions
Key Solutions Used in This Story

Show Management


Audiovisual Solutions

Lighting Solutions 

The Result

Thanks to Jazz’s solution-oriented mindset, Sara’s event was a success. She was incredibly impressed with Jazz’s initiative, technical problem solving and the end result. The venue was equally pleased. The lighting fixtures he installed added such brilliance to the space that the venue itself decided to not only keep them in place but matched all lights in the ballroom to preserve the same ambiance. As for Sara, she continues to utilize Le Meridien and partner with Encore for her events, having seen Jazz go out of his way to elevate each detail, creating the right environment for an excellent experience. 

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From routine challenges to the moment of truth that threatens to derail your event, our people solve them
flawlessly. Explore their stories.

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From Multi-Venue Complexities to Flawless Tech-Enabled Experience.

We See Solutions.

“The right partnership transforms challenges to successes”

Jo Merriman

With 300 of a financial customer’s top investors flying in from all over the world for their Annual General Meeting in France, the stakes were high. The ask? With 14 fund meetings in two days, in
two different venues, provide a digital logistics solution for a five-star experience.  

With Jo and team on the job — Consider it done!

Jo Merriman

Director, Commercial & Operations
The Challenge

A finance organization was preparing for their Annual General Meeting (AGM), and the stakes were high. The customer needed to plan a seamless experience for 300 of their high-value investors, who were flying into Avignon, France, for the event from around the world. Yet with 14 fund meetings in just two days at two venues across the city — and different groups attending each — the customer needed a polished and simple-to-follow system to ensure the international attendees had a seamless experience. This included an easy way to receive any last-minute changes to the agenda, speakers and/or locations. Enter Jo and team, ready to deliver.

The Solution

To deliver a smooth event experience, Jo and team recommended that the customer create individualized itineraries for each participant, which would minimize the number of relocations between venues and accommodate for travel time. Under their technical guidance, the customer was able to equip participants with pre-event access to Chime Live℠. With this technology solution, each fund investor only needed to look at their phone to see where they needed to be and when. Any last-minute agenda changes were available immediately.

Key Solutions Used in This Story
Production Technology
Onsite Chime Live technical support Chime Live
The Result
Thanks to Jo’s creative problem-solving and digital solutions, the team navigated the customer’s multi-session and -venue logistics challenges, delivering a flawless event for their high-profile participants. With Chime Live, everyone made their meetings at the right venue and on time. The platform’s easy-to-use yet powerful tools equipped audiences with enhanced engagement opportunities during the meetings as well — a benefit the customer already regularly used Chime Live for. The technology also ensured the customer had valuable post-event analytics at their fingertips. Both the customer and participants were delighted with the experience.  

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From routine challenges to the moment of truth that threatens to derail your event, our people solve them
flawlessly. Explore their stories.

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