Mar 28 2022
Kristi Casey

Your choice of camera and how you use it to stream content directly impacts how remote and in-person participants connect to and engage with your event. How much thought are you giving to the cameras you order? Read on to learn how to determine the best camera for your upcoming hybrid and virtual events. 3 …

Why Encore believes in hybrid

Mar 19 2022
Amanda Armstrong
If you’re like most meeting and event organizers, you’ve produced at least one hybrid event since March 2020. And nearly two years into the pandemic, 68 percent of your peers say it’s a scenario they’ve become more comfortable with, but it is a complicated landscape. At Encore, we’re thrilled to see in-person meetings making a ...

Questions you need to ask your key meeting and event stakeholders

Mar 1 2022
Kristi Casey
Moving forward, meeting and event professionals need to develop hybrid and virtual event strategies to complement their traditional in-person meeting and event strategy. It’s relatively new territory, but it doesn’t have to be a complex process. In fact, if you know the right questions to ask key meeting and event stakeholders, you can save you ...

Post-pandemic meetings and events: What does the future hold?

Jan 27 2022
Encore Research
Since the arrival of COVID-19, thousands of events have been postponed, cancelled or moved to virtual platforms. While the vaccine has allowed many businesses to resume events and meetings as usual, breakthrough cases and the Omicron variant have continued to stall the ability for face-to-face encounters. So, what does all of this mean for the ...

The Show is Going On … Safely

Sep 22 2021
Ken Russell
Delta. Mu. It seems every time we turn on the news, there’s a new COVID-19 variant. So how safe is it to meet in-person? The answer is clearer than you might think. Would you believe that you are more likely to catch COVID-19 at your grocery store than at a 5,000-person event? We’ve been working ...

A Case for Production: A Partner’s Conference

Jul 15 2021
Madeleine Bart
How a Multi-National Professional Services Network Elevated their Attendee Engagement through Production Finding creative ways to engage attendees in a virtual setting has always been a challenge. Today, with virtual and hybrid meetings a new norm, and zoom fatigue on the rise, it has only become even more exacerbated. In late September, one organization was ...

The Value of Partnerships in Our (Re)Start

Jul 7 2021
Ben Erwin
The meeting and events industry clearly experienced a great deal of change over the course of the last 16 months. An industry filled with incredibly talented people who were singularly forced to be nimble and adaptable can now learn from each other to accelerate our industry’s exciting (re)start with the right event solutions. For Encore, ...

Global Conventions in a Virtual World

Feb 24 2021
Encore Research
How a QSR company transitioned their series of global annual conventions to successful virtual experiences. By: Christopher Baron, Senior Director, Digital Services Hosting annual conventions for a global audience can be a feat in itself in-person, let alone in the virtual world. Finding unique ways to engage attendees year after year, while ensuring your vendors ...

What are the benefits of a hybrid event?

Feb 9 2021
Encore Research
‘Hybrid’ is defined as the combination of two different elements. In the context of hybrid events, it’s; “a physical meeting in which an online audience also participates. Essentially, both the physical as well as the online audience come together and participate in the same experience or content at the same time, from different locations.” IMPACTPLUS Tweet The ...