Dec 15 2020
Brent Rogers

How do you start planning hybrid and virtual meetings? Here are three questions to get you started. Your answers will guide you in finding the technology partner(s) best-equipped to manage your event: How large is my audience and how would I like them to participate? Your audience size will differ based on the type of …

5 Tips & Tricks for Planning your Next Virtual Awards

Dec 4 2020
Madeleine Bart
5 Tips & Tricks for Planning your Next Virtual Awards  See How Two Associations Successfully Incorporated Virtual Elements Into Their 2020 Virtual Award Programs As we get close to the end of another year – and one certainly filled with unique challenges – celebrating your team’s achievements or your memberships’ successes are more important now ...

Driving Industry Collaboration for the Greater Good

Nov 27 2020
Cathy Schlosberg
As the pandemic spread throughout the world, it became clear that the events industry was about to turn upside down. While no one expected it to last this long, leaders in our industry have been hard at work to ensure that when events return, planners and their organizations have tools to make decisions, and attendees ...

Planner Tips: Event Strategy and Design for Hybrid Meetings

Nov 19 2020
Anthony Vade, CED, Experience Architect
Whether you’ve never planned a hybrid event or feel pretty confident in your abilities to deliver a seamless experience, there are strategy and design techniques for hybrid meetings that you can use now to elevate your next event. Just as you measure your in-person events’ success by stakeholder experience and event metrics, the same can ...

10 Tips for Planning Impactful Hybrid Events

Nov 12 2020
Alisha Womack
A hybrid event combines a traditional “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component. Without the option of every attendee meeting face-to-face, planning hybrid events have become a necessity for every planner. With the ability to unite people remotely, audience reach surpasses levels ever imagined, breakouts become virtual roundtables with engaging tools and return on ...

Readiness to Adapt your Event Type

Oct 29 2020
Madeleine Bart
How the Canadian Leadership Congress leveraged a Presentation Stage™ to overcome the unexpected When it comes to planning events in 2020, readiness to adapt your event type has become the new norm. Government regulations, safety best-practices and COVID case counts seem to be ever-changing. To respond, organizations must be ready to carry out business activities ...

Virtual Fundraising in 2020

Oct 23 2020
Veronica LeBourgeois
How International Esperanza Project used a virtual broadcast to raise record funds Hosting a fundraising gala in 2020 comes with a unique set of challenges. For instance, travel is not an option for many guests. For those willing to travel, how can you help keep them in a safe, clean environment? And, there is a ...

Event Audio: Sound and Microphone Basics

Sep 10 2020
Hope Holm
Before getting into the audiovisual and events business, I had no idea how many nuances there are when selecting audio solutions. As a meeting planner, I would just let my audiovisual provider “handle it”. The truth is, many components determine the best audio system for an event. In this series, we’ll look at the importance ...

Education and Engagement for Modern Times

Sep 3 2020
Debra Mategrano
You can say what you want about other generations, but research shows we all have at least one thing in common: we are changing the way we learn, engage with and retain information. Learn how this translates to the event world and gain insight to engage attendees of any generation. From baby-boomers to Gen Z, ...